Saturday, October 13, 2012

Davis Reid

Forest Edwards got one heck of a nice first buck!

Michael Leonardi and Grace Leonardi got these 2 fine bucks this morning, just after she brought in her elk on Thursday.

William Meeks shot this nice 7 pt.

Tyler Blackwood got his 1st deer!

Mack Meyers got his first deer!

Cody Bazzle

Catelynn Riley got her first deer!

Aimee McShane killed this 7 pt. with a kicker. It weighed 160 lbs.

Robert Cuthbert got his first deer.

Allie Gerthoffer got a nice one for her first deer.

Mike Allen got this 9.5 footer!

Tristan Cordray took this big black coyote.

The Griffiths got this nice gator.

Dan Mendini got this 9 footer.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Jeff Siewicki

Kim Matthews took an 8 point!

Sean Pendarvis had an 8 point weighing 144 lbs.

Kevin Spell got a 6 point.

Ben Burris got his first buck.

Chrissy English dropped off one monster and picked up another!

Carmen Shaw brought in her first deer to join the Cordray's First Deer Hall of Fame!

Bubba Kuntz got this huge 4 pt.

Justin Smoak brought in this big buck today.

Rich Harris

Zeb Snider got an 8 point!

Richard Hyatt got this nice buck!

Gracie Leonardi got this elk in New Mexico!