This year we're going to continue with our fully cooked, hickory smoked, sugar cured hams for the holidays that were such a hit last year. I don't think we'll have enough Grooms Farm hams for them all to be local, but we buy fresh pork hams and slow smoke them with our own special recipe right here on our farm. Hams will be about 16 to 18 lbs. each. They make great gifts for your family or for your clients!
Last year we ran out right before the holidays, so be sure reserve yours now by sending in $20 per ham as a deposit.
To reserve for Thanksgiving, please send in your deposit by November 12th and for Christmas, by December 11th.
Please include your name and phone number with your check so we can contact you for pickup.
If you'd like, you may call in a credit card order as well.
www.cordrays.comCordray Farms
Cordray's Venison Processing
6708 County Line Rd.
Ravenel, SC 29470