We are beginning to set up to do alligators for the upcoming new alligator season. Private landowners are already bringing in a few big ones. We've been working on alligators for over 5 years, but haven't done it on a big scale for the public. We want to provide the same excellent service that we do for deer, so bear with us as we work out the kinks!
There are 2 different ways to bring in alligators.
1. You get the meat and head. You trade the hide in for the skinning fee. As with venison, you'll pay for it when you pick it up.
2. You get the hide, head, and meat.
On alligators, you'll need to know what you want to do with the hide and pay for the skinning or caping BEFORE you leave it. So if you are going to send someone in with your gator and you want to keep the hide, you'll need to send your payment along, too.
The decisions on caping or skinning the alligator have to be made before we ever put a knife to it, because the value of the hide to us and to you is all in how it's handled. If we cape it and then you change your mind, the hide's worth nothing to you or us. So be prepared to decide and pay for what's done with the hide when you bring the gator in! For more information, click on the title of this post.