Saturday, November 6, 2010

WOOHOO! We made it to the time change! Closing at 9 the rest of the season!

And to wrap up a VERY busy day, these guys caught the gate open! Jordan Myers, Luke Cathy, and George Campsen dunked Hunter Jordan!

Hampton Jenkins

Hunter Butler

Danny Kirkman

Miguel Ruiz joined the Cordray's First Deer Hall !

Damien Seabrook got this big 8 point buck!

Eddie Reyes

Dylan James - Bow kill

Bernard Funderburk

AJ Ackerman

Peter Johnston, 8 point, 155 lbs.

Sammy and Danny Milleman got two 8 points!

Matt Thompson 8 points 157 lbs.

Leanne Crane joined the Cordray's First Deer Hall of Fame!

Durham Foster joined the Cordray's First Deer Hall of Fame!

Grayce Bailey got a 6 point for her first deer and joined Cordray's First Deer Hall of Fame!

Sally Causey

Trent Bonifay got this big buck with Todd Baxley

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Sean Pendarvis

Grange Cuthbert got this big buck!

Phillip Runyon

Tailgating? Try Cordray's venison bologna and smoked sausage!

Jayce Clark got an 8 point that weighed 155 lbs.

Katherine Porter got inducted into the Cordray's First Deer Hall of Fame with the help of her dad, Curt Porter!

Joey Shephard got an 8 point that weighed 168 lbs.!

Colby Oliver

Brent Harwell is the newest member of the Cordray's First Deer Hall of Fame with help from Steve Leasure!

Dawes Caldwell joined the Cordray's First Deer Hall of Fame with the help of his dad, Earl Caldwell!

Elliott Thomas and Dylan James took at 8 point and a wild hog!

Tom Kierspe got this big buck!