Cordray's Venison Processing, Cordray's Taxidermy, and Cordray Farms Beef: 6708 County Line Rd. Ravenel, SC 29470, 843.766.7922. Taxidermy: 843.509.7720
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Garlic Venison Loin
Venison loin roasts
One clove of fresh garlic
Cream of Mushroom soup
Olive oil, 2 tsp.
Oven baking bag
Puncture venison loin roast with a knife point.
Stuff slices of fresh garlic into the holes.
Rub the loins with olive oil to cover.
Place the loins in a baking bag and add a can of cream of mushroom soup.
Bake for 1 hour and 15 minutes at 350 degrees.
The next day, use your leftovers for Beef Stroganoff. Add some sour cream and mix with egg noodles!
From the kitchen of Sheila Shepard
Friday, August 28, 2009
Fresh Cordray Farms Beef Cuts in the Meat Case!
We're adding fresh beef cuts to the case today. We have chuckeye steaks, mock tender steaks, flat iron steaks, beef ribs for BBQ, rib stew, pinwheel steaks and skirt steak. All of it's born and raised on our farm. The meat is dry aged and vacuum packaged right here. We also have some beef shares available. It's our definition of local. If you can see the cows grazing out the window, it's local!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Campfire Stew
Ask anyone, and they'll tell you I'm not a cook. I make a mean webpage, but often find my cooking interrupted by my LIFE! So I'll share my recipe for an old family favorite. Originally, my mom made this in a cast iron frying pan over the campstove when we went camping - 4 kids in a tent - in the mountains. It's really never tasted that good again.
For this recipe you'll need 1 1/2 to 2 lbs of ground beef or venison. If it's fall, that may mean going in the huge outdoor freezer to lug 50 lb boxes out of your way to find the one labeled for family use. If it's winter, that may mean moving dead ducks, alligator heads, wild geese and the occasional chucker in the backporch freezer to find frozen hamburger. If it's summer, that probably means we sold all the beef, so get ready to go to Waffle House. Anyhow, however you get it, you need a couple of lbs of ground meat. Brown it. If you're using venison, you may have to add a little olive oil to keep it from balling up in those annoying lumps. If someone brings a very large alligator into your backyard and wants their picture taken with it, reduce the heat to a low simmer and add a cup of water so you won't burn down the house before you get back.
Add 2 cans of Campbell's Vegetarian soup. If you don't have that, pick any vegetable looking soup. Chicken and Noodles does not do well. Now if the computer burps outside and someone, who will remain nameless, clicks 42 times to print a document, you'll need to go outside and reboot everything. Add another cup of water, reduce the heat, and try to remember it's on the stove.
When you get back, add some ketchup and mustard. It's where I rinse out the bottles and use that last smidgeon that's been hanging out eluding your grasp. Let it cook for as long as you can, unless a cow is having a calf and you have to go hold the flashlight. In that case, turn it off and cover it. That way it will cool enough for you to put it in the fridge for tomorrow's supper.
Once it's the consistency of thick chili, you're ready to eat. Serve it in a bowl or over brown rice. Add a salad and brown bread and you've got a pretty hearty meal. Unless the phone rings and someone's just got to have you outside taking pictures of the deer that has both male and female plumbing. Somebody's gotta do it!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Introduced in 2004, Cordray's venison meatloaf is a delicious and easy way to add variety to your venison cooking. It's also another great way to make use of your ground meat without ending up with a freezer full of burger! Your venison is ground fine, seasoned perfectly to be ready to bake, and packaged in two pound loaves. At just $4 a loaf, you certainly can't beat that for a hearty main course for your family -- and you might even have enough for leftovers!
For the quickest recipe, just thaw, place in a baking pan and bake at 350 for an hour and a half. If you're looking for a little more excitement, you can dress it up with a coating of ketchup or tomato sauce before baking.
If you're feeling really adventurous, we've also tried out a few other tasty alternatives...
Scoop out the middle of the venison loaf, fill the hole with shredded cheddar cheese, then replace the meat you scooped out and bake as usual.
Separate the loaf into balls, cover with your favorite tomato-based sauce, and bake. Makes delicious meatball sandwiches!
Order a few loaves and let us know if you come up with any other great recipe ideas for venison meatloaf here.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
What is an approximate cost for processing?

What is an approximate cost for processing?
The cost of processing a deer is based on the weight of the deer and on the complexity of the order. An average sized deer of 100 pounds (carcass wt. 60-65 lbs,) already skinned with just the basics (steaks, roasts, and burger) will cost about $40 to $45. If you need us to skin it, add $25. Adding cooked items, linked sausage or other "champagne" items will ruin your "beer" budget. Don't be hesitant to ask us to give you an estimate. We understand living on a budget. We can give you a fairly accurate idea of the yield and cost of processing your deer.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Safety is NUMBER ONE!
Our part of the commitment to your safety...
Our Number One priority is to provide for your safe and edible venison. Because of that, there are times we will refuse to process a deer that is diseased, in poor condition, or has been mishandled in the field. Since cooked products are batched (many orders put together), we allow only the very best meat to be added to smoked products. When you visit our facility, you will see that we stress cleanliness and safety in every phase of processing. We will not take chances with our name or your health.
We will skin, wash and chill your deer to 34°F to help protect the venison. Our coolers are monitored constantly for temperature control. No unskinned carcasses are hung in our coolers, so the risk of contamination from hair, fecal matter, ticks and lice ends in the skinning room.
All your ground meat is ground with a grinder equipped with bone extractors that catch lead shot and bone chips as the meat is ground. Our meat cutters are trained to check and recheck all cuts for possible bullet fragments. Please be sure to tell us if you know of a missing arrow or blades.
Equipment cleanup is handled with high pressure steam sprayers and anti- bacterial washing.
Our smoked products are electronically monitored to ensure adequate cooking time and temperature. All products reach an internal temperature of 165°F to reduce the danger of E. Coli, listeria and other pathogens.
Members of our staff have attended training in safe meat handling and safety through Clemson University and the American Association of Meat Processors. Owners, Michael and Kenneth Cordray, hold BS degrees in Animal Science with emphasis on meat science.
Our facility is state inspected by the SC Meat and Poultry Inspection Service and holds an A rating from the SC Department of Health and Environmental Control.
All of our smoked products are made from meat cut, seasoned, cooked and packaged on our premises under our careful supervision. We welcome you to come in and look behind the scenes any time.
Cordray's Taxidermy site has elk photos posted!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
What can you do to maximize your processing dollar?
- Think about the quality of your venison even before you make the kill. Gut shot deer often need extensive trimming that wastes valuable meat. A shot that is in the hams limits your usable venison. Michael says, "Real men shoot 'em between the eyes!"
- Bring the deer to us as quickly as possible. The sooner it's washed and chilled the better. In late summer, don't wait more than an hour or two. Even for short periods of time, protect the carcass from flies and gnats.
- Deer left overnight in the field are not usable the next morning. The exception is when our overnight temperature is below freezing all night long. There are too many deer out there to risk your family's health by trying to process one that has set out over night.
- If you field dress your deer, keep the carcass cool. Filling the body cavity with ice chills the meat quickly. A large clean trash can with a tight fitting lid can hold a carcass on ice for several hours and protect it from insects.
- Dirt, leaves, hair and stomach contents can introduce bacteria to your venison. If you skin and clean your deer, wash the carcass with clean water. We will not allow you to eat contaminated meat. If there is any sign of debris or spoilage, we will agressively trim your meat. You will be wasting your money and your meat. You will only get back edible, clean and safe meat from Cordray's.
- Think about where you do your cutting if you or your club cuts up the carcass. Prepare the surface by washing or covering with a clean trash bag. Use clean knives and wash them during and after the skinning process and before cutting up pieces. Wash your hands after every step. NEVER transport skinned unwrapped carcasses in an open truck bed. If you wouldn't put your sandwich on it, don't put your deer meat on it!
- Freezer burn will damage venison. If you freeze the venison before processing, carefully wrap it in air tight wrapping. Many people do an excellent job by wrapping their deer in several layers of plastic grocery bags. If you plan to bring in frozen meat, bring it before Sept. 14th or on the second Saturday in January.
- Don't be surprised to take some tough, but well meant, tongue lashing if you bring in meat that is dirty. We're trying to help you, so that you'll get the highest and best quality yield from your hunt. We send dozens of people back down the driveway with meat that is too dirty or has been left warm for too long. Don't let this happen to you! It's not that we don't want your business, we do, but we've got to be sure that you get a quality product back!