Johnny Steinbrecher brought in this nice one! It dressed out at 104.4 lbs., the biggest so far. Notice that it is not in velvet. Now I don't know if there is scientific evidence to support it, but from my vantage point across the order-taking desk here at Cordray's, I think that you can make a prediction about the time of the rut based on when deer start coming in without velvet. We've been processing deer for 17 years and some years the velvet deer come in well into September. But some years, there are no deer in velvet at all. It seems to me that on the years when velvet is scarce, the rut comes in early. But when we have weeks of it, the rut is a few weeks later. So... if Johnny's deer is an indication of a trend, we might see deer in rut a little earlier this year. No science to it, ( I don't think? Let us know if you know otherwise.) but it is now officially an old processor wives' tale!