
Sunday, March 14, 2010

Heifer's first baby!

Definition time: A heifer is a cow that has never had a baby before. We always worry just a tad that she'll have the baby with no problems and naturally take care of her new little one. Over the years, we've kept cows that show good mothering instincts and have a calm disposition.  This mama did great!

When we drove up, he tried to quickly get to his feet, but that part was harder than he thought, I think!
You can see he was still wet, but Mama had licked him clean as a whistle! At first, he just kind of stood, a little wobbly and looked at us while his mom did that quiet cow lullaby they do. It's not exactly a moo, kind of a cross between a grunt and a moo! Ask Michael, he can do a passable cow lullaby if the occasion demands it!
At first, he was a little confused...

 but that lullaby thing must have directions!

BINGO! Now he'll nurse several times a day for about 4 to 6 months. We pretty much let the mamas wean them at their own pace, only interfering if a calf is still nursing by the time the mama is expecting again next year.  We once lived near a farm where the farmer separated the babies and the mamas according to his schedule, not theirs. It is a heartbreaking sound to hear them crying for each other. Our cows seem happier and more satisfied staying in these kinds of family units.  You even see moms and daughters kind of hanging together watching over the kids. They'll leave one cow with a group of babies and amble off for a kind of girls' day, but somebody's gotta watch those kids!

1 comment:

  1. Mom,
    Technically they are calves, not babies. Calling them babies makes them harder to eat.
