
Saturday, February 6, 2010

We're really grass farmers!

Getting all that Cordray Farms Beef ready requires working all year long. This fact was brought to my attention the other day when someone asked what we do in the off season and I said we raise cattle and sell farm raised beef. They replied, "That must be great, 'cause all you really have to do is watch 'em, right?" I'm going to try to share with you on what goes into raising the cattle that make up the beef that's on your plate!
Our soils require fertilizer to give the grass the nutrients. It's a mixture of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium that the soil samples we send off determine ours soils need. It comes in little white granules in these big cloth bags. It's a lot like a giant purse!
For best results, the fertilizer needs to be put on the grass before a light rain. So last week, Michael filled up this spreader and went to work! See the little round plate at the back? The little granules fall on there and get tossed all over as it spins. Don't walk too close, they really sting!

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