
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Getting political for our pets!

We're excited to support a new bill that has been introduced in the State Legislature this year by Sen. Glen McConnell. It's labeled S. 1032 and says that we can sell certain parts from deer as dog food. If it passes, it will allow all the venison processors who are inspected by the state Meat Inspection Service to be able to make use of all the good protein that we throw away and provide a nutritious local food for our dogs and cats.
The official wording is: “Section 46-27-55. A venison processor may sell or utilize the following deer parts for pet food:

(1) heart;

(2) liver;

(3) spleen;

(4) kidneys;

(5) viscera; and

(6) bone meal.

The processor must be an official establishment certified by the State Livestock-Poultry Health Commission or the United States Department of Agriculture. The processor must abide by all applicable state and federal laws, rules and regulations regarding pet food.”

Right now the bill is in the Agriculture and Natural Resources committee, chaired by Sen. Verdin. We'd really appreciate any efforts on your part to contact the members of this committee and encourage them to support this bill. To me, it just seems sensible that we make use of this resource instead of throwing it away!
Follow this link to see the members of the committee and access their telephone numbers and emails. We'll keep you posted on the progress and, hopefully, let you know when you can buy venison parts for your pets!

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