
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

We're making progress!

Thanks for all your help on contacting the folks who've not picked up their orders! It's been awesome to have help with a problem we have every year! The way the law is written we've got no recourse to get these orders picked up and the money paid. If we were any other business, we could sell the product we've made to recover our expenses, but with venison we're just stuck! So thank you for helping us to contact these folks. We still have just a few of the really old ones (Nov. and earlier) left.

Their names are:

Lonnie Baxley
Greg Tumbleston
Marvin Horry
Heath Fisk

I might be calling on you for help again after we get finished this weekend. Remember, if you know these folks, please let them know we're looking for them or talk them into giving it to YOU!

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