
Monday, October 5, 2009

When will my order be ready?

When will my order be ready?
When you drop off your deer, we take your order and give you an orange pick-up card with your Ready Date. Your order will be ready on that day. You don't need to call and check or wait on us to call you. We'll call you in the unlikely event that it won't be ready on time. We try to place a reminder call, but please don't wait on it!
Most of our customers pick up their orders on time and we appreciate it! It is important that you pick up your order on the Ready Date or as quickly as possible after that day. We are just not setup to be a storage locker. We have very limited freezer space and have to make room for the hundreds of new orders coming in every week.
We'll store your orders for free for 7 days. Orders left more than 1 week after the pickup date will be subject to a $1.00 per day storage fee. After 30 days, your order will be donated to charity. However, you are still responsible for payment of the processing fee. We have to be firm on this or close the gates out front because we won't have room for new deer! Please help us by coming to get your finished order quickly!

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