
Wednesday, September 10, 2008

What do I need to bring in with my alligator?

Please post your questions about the upcoming alligator season and we'll try to get them answered. This one came in by phone.
Every alligator must have the numbered tag attached to the tail.
DNR says: Only alligators four feet or greater in length may be taken.
Be absolutely sure you've read all the information that you got with your tags, because we will not be able to take anything in that is less than 4 feet or that is missing that tag.
The next biggest "thing" you'll need to bring is the decision on whether you want to keep the hide or not. If your alligator hide is in excellent shape, you may be able to trade the hide in for the skinning/caping fees. Visit the complete Gator page to learn about pricing. To be able to trade the hide, it will need to be in excellent shape. So be sure not to cut the alligator on the throat or underbelly. If you do, your hide is ruined and you won't be able to trade it for the skinning fees. The value of hides you trade in to us in the underside of the animal.
DNR says:
This hunting season does not allow
the shooting of unsecured alligators, even on private land.
The alligator must be secured using approved equipment
and brought boat-side or onto land before it can be dispatched.

So be sure that you don't "dispatch" yours anywhere but on the back at the base of the head, so you won't ruin the hide! If the hide isn't in excellent shape, you can't trade it in for the skinning fees. You'll need to pay for the skinning or caping before we can take in your alligator for processing. Stay tuned for more information on the difference between a caped or skinned alligator!

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