
Saturday, September 13, 2008

The First Gator!

John Hollis brought in the first one, 8 ft. 4 inches. John said the alligator was down under a dock. Just for kicks, he thought he'd try to call them like they do on TV. He moved the boat out a few yards and started the weird throat call. That gator turned and began swimming right towards them! So you heard it here first, you CAN call in gators to your boat! We'll keep you updated all weekend on what we're seeing come in. We're opening for a few hours tomorrow, Sunday, from 7:30 am to 10 am to take in gators. Then we'll reopen at the regular time on Sunday evening at 6 pm.
Notice how the gator's packed in with ice bags and rolled up in a tarp. That's just how to transport them to keep the meat safe.

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