
Sunday, September 14, 2008

Cordray's in the news!

There's a great article in today's Post and Courier on alligator hunting. Cordray's friends, Taylor and Bailey Dukes, were shadowed on the first day hunt. They all came by to have a look at the gators checked in Saturday morning. They just missed Merting's huge gator. For a while it looked like the paparazzi around here with the newspaper guys and cameras flashing. We had weekend company when our daughter, Michelle, brought home the grandchildren and it was kids, dogs, gators, customers, and generally chaos.

We opened this morning from 7:30 to 10:00 and checked in a few more gators. This one was from the same three guys from yesterday, Murph, Bolt, and Adcock. He was 10 ft. 3 inches. They've got one more tag, so maybe we'll see them again in a few weeks. Notice the tied up legs, and duct tape on the mouth? That's a really good idea. The first one brought in Saturday morning was very much alive! Something about getting one of these guys in our tiny skinning room and having him shake off a bad headache, just give me the creeps. Tie 'em up, guys!
Click on the title link above to access the newspaper article or Big, Bad, & Unusual to see more photos.

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