
Atwood's hope

This little guy's name is Atwood. I met his dad when he came in to pick up some wild hogs. We chatted on the weather and hunting and he asked if he could put up a fundraising poster. Sure, I said, thinking one more turkey shoot for some national organization whose results we'll never see. But humbly, emotionally, this dad began to tell me the story of his pride and joy, his baby boy, and the two year hell his family has faced. Atwood has Severe Aplastic Anemia and their battle began the day he was born. But there is an end in sight! He is getting a born marrow transplant! He will have to stay in the hospital in an isolated bubble for 60 days at least and then for one full year he will not be able to play outside on the ground, go to a pool or ocean, go into a crowd, or play with other children. As his mom writes on the poster, "This is a tough journey but we are a strong loving family with a lot of faith." Atwood and his family live in Mount Pleasant. They face TREMENDOUS medical expenses with not only the procedure but the medications that will be coming later. His dad was hopeful and made a real effort to be upbeat but the stress and exhaustion showed through as he talked. He said, "I count on the fact that God says he will not give us more than we can handle but..." I added, "He won't give us more than He can handle." His dad's brave demeanor collapsed and he said, "Yes, ma'am, I know that and I am standing on that fact every day. I could not get through even one day and all the worry on what's to come without knowing my faith is in Him." If you think you would like to help Atwood's family, please contact me and I can give you their mailing address for the foundation that has been set up. If you're a Facebook person, Atwood's page is On September 21st a fundraising Sporting Clay even is being held at Broxton Bridge Plantation in Ehrhardt. Most importantly, please include this family in your prayers. His dad says that if the transplant goes well, Atwood could be CURED of this disease on go on to live a normal healthy life.