
Introducing a new product! Onion burger!

We've been field testing it for a few weeks and have gotten rave reviews. The price will be 50 cents more per lb. with a 10 lb. minimum. Give it a try on your next deer. We think you'll love it!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

BUCK OF THE WEEK (10/10-10/16): FREE Antler Mount

Each week we will announce the prize for the week. Anyone who has a deer skinned and processed here at Cordray's is automatically eligible to win. Winners are determined by the highest dressed weight of the week. You must claim your prize when you pick up your meat.

BUCK OF THE WEEK prize for 10/10 to 10/16


Stay tuned to this blog to see if you are one of our 20 winners!

We will not have an overall yearly winner, just weekly winners. To receive your prize, you must pick up your meat within a week of the due date. If you have someone else pick up your meat, please be prepared for them to pick up your prize on that day. We are not able to hold prizes for you.
Week one: Will Freeman dressed wt.153.4
Week two: Jordan Singleton dressed wt. 129.8 lbs 
Week three: Adam Bernshausen dressed wt. 129.4  
Week four: Stanley Gamble dressed wt. 122.8 
Week five: Kaytlin Clark dressed wt. 124.4 
Week six: Danny Stewart dressed wt. 129.4 
Week seven: Ray Speights dressed wt.117.6 
Week eight: John Sparkman dressed wt. 113.6

The big bucks are beginning to get stupid! Sunday night Kenneth got 5 shoulder mounts in the 4 hours we were open! All were nice mountable bucks.

Almost all the bucks are showing clear signs of being in rut. We're hearing reports of sightings of plenty of lone bucks chasing does. The rain and wind has knocked most of the acorns from the trees so stands near oaks are in high demand right now. Some folks say that the full moon will bring the rest of the does into heat, so all the hunting should pick up even more toward the weekend. Let us know what you're seeing and we'll pass it on!