
Thursday, January 6, 2011

Got frozen hams?

Sounds painful, doesn't it? If you've got frozen pork or venison hams taking up your freezer space, you can bring them in on Saturday and have them turned into delicious, fully cooked, applewood smoked hams! Taking frozen on one day, Saturday, Jan. 8th starting at 9 a.m.

Posting the last of the photos from New Year's Day

We're looking forward to getting a few more on Youth Hunt Day on Saturday! We'll be open all day and ready to dunk lots of newcomers.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Whittling away at the "Naughty List" this morning!

Christmas has come and gone, but we still have a list to check! We've gotten a few people contacted who have picked up their orders, but we have a few more to go! We've found that some of them had old phone numbers so didn't get our many calls. Thanks to your calling them, Facebooking them, emailing them, and calling their mamas, they got in touch with us and came on over to pick up their order. Now these remaining folks still need your help. Let them know that they've got meat here awaiting their visit.
From September:
Lawton Mattson
From October:
Gene Butler
Mark Logan
Jerald McCann
Brad Skipper
From November:
Carl Young
Kerry Howard
Glynn Guerry
Shelton Middleton
David Lawson
Myers Jordan
Trey Courtney
Christopher Brown

Lots of people keep asking if we can sell these orders to recoup the processing costs, but we can't. The law says that the hunter is responsible for his kill. So if Joe Schmo checks in a deer, it has to be paid for by Joe or someone to whom he gives permission. That's why we're so tough on checking in deer under the hunter's name - not who he gives it to - but who is legally responsible for the kill and thus the meat. Now if Joe wants to give you his permission when you call him to remind him to pick it up, I'm all for it! So please look over this list and contact anyone you know!